
Airlifting Cows

Unity is amazing. Got this working last night and immediately made Hoopie get out of bed to come watch. More fun ahead.

Day One

Today is the first day I start working on games full time. Or really the first day I’m working under any kind of plan to make a game I plan on releasing. It got me thinking about what I would’ve written when I formed my first company, Punch Through, 11 years ago. It probably would’ve been short and scribbled on a piece of notebook paper under EE4301, or whatever class I was daydreaming myself out of at the time.

I started Punch Through in February 2009, and put in a solid 11 years, with a few hiatuses into other startups. There were times it was incredibly fun and times it was decidedly not fun. A lot of the hard work comes from the reality of having to run a business. Back then, I was really anxious to prove I had a “real business”, which meant hiring as fast as possible, and being really busy. Now I realize most of the fun work happened early on, when I could spend time doing the engineering and building. While I plan on having reality follow me into the games industry, I’m going to hold onto that kernel of creative work that’s so fulfilling I would do it for free. (I’m doing it for free right now, in fact!)

I’m really thankful to find a space that feels this fulfilling again. I feel like things are in alignment. Let’s see where it goes.